
Team Nørgaard Christmas Guide - Sidsel Alling

Team Nørgaard Christmas Guide - Sidsel Alling

We have a soft spot for soft presents and have asked some of our colleagues to recommend their december to-do-list and point out three Christmas wishes that might inspire your own wish list or make your Christmas shopping a little easier.

Read what our Head of PR, Sidsel, thinks is an overlooked Christmas banger, where she is going on a trip in December and what she wants for Christmas.

3 songs on reapeat
8 Days of Christmas med Destiny’s Child is a Christmas evergreen!
Giving me Life Mariah Carey feat. Blood Orange is on repeat at the office at the moment 
Higher – Kwamie Liv goes straight to the heart, especially the acoustic version on her new album.

3 places to go
Every year I dream of going iceskating in Frederiksberg Have, but I never end up going, so this year it is! 
Hviids Vinstue In Copenhagen serves the best and strongest "Gløgg". 
Måne-udstillingen The Moon exhibition at Louisiana.

3 wishes from